“With the right training and mindset, you can survive anything.”

Finally, Training dates up for 2023!

Finally, Training dates up for 2023!

  It has been tough trying to coordinate things this year, but we finally have some dates up. We plan to get some more classes and dates posted if possible. We hope to see you at one of our classes. It will be a great time. our training camp looks great after a...

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Just back from Alaska!

Just back from Alaska!

We just got back from an awesome trip to Alaska with Thomas Coyne and a great group of survivalists. We spent 7 days in the Alaskan wilderness with just a knife. Alaska is the most beautiful place ever, but the environment can be brutal. We survived on wild berries,...

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Training Dates Posted!

Training Dates Posted!

We finally have some dates set for our Basic Certification Course. We are very excited and hope to have a great time. We have secured a beautiful training location in Dog Valley surrounded by National Forest. It should be a great 3-Day camp and a great escape from all...

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Upcoming Survival Class

Upcoming Survival Class

Coming soon! Basic Survival Skills Certification – A 3-day course covering all the basic skills you need. Students receive a basic wilderness survival, as well as wilderness first aid certification.  Training Dates Coming Soon!

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HSSOS New Website

HSSOS New Website

We are excited to launch our new website. Thanks to Sandy Rowley with Reno SEO, Marketing & Web Design. Stay tuned for survival courses, classes and events in the Reno/Tahoe area. HSSOS Team!  

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